
Kirrenderri, Heart of the Channel Country presents a visually striking and narrative rich exhibition chronicling extraordinary stories from one of the most remote locations at the very heart of Australia. Channel Country is renowned as an intersection for Aboriginal trade networks that connect the continent. Revelations of the age and scale of sites in this landscape are evocative and lead to a reimagining of the deep history of this country.

In June 2019, the Mithaka people of Southwestern Queensland met with collaborators in Toowoomba to create a substantial cultural mapping project. At the meeting, distinguished researchers from the Australian National University, University of Queensland, the Alice Duncan-Kemp family and University of Queensland Anthropology Museum, discussed how best to conserve this unique environmental and cultural heritage.

This rich resource of knowledge is presented in Kirrenderri alongside objects donated to the University of Queensland Anthropology Museum by author Alice Duncan-Kemp (1901-1988). Duncan-Kemp’s family owned and ran Mooraberrie cattle station on Channel Country and this exhibition highlights stories by the author through Indigenous perspectives.