Staying Alive
Neil Astley
Various 18 Poets on poetry Neil Astley 19 Introduction Mary Oliver 28 Wild Geese 1 Body and soul Denise Levertov 31 Living Andrew Greig 31 Orkney / This Life Alistair Elliot 32 Northern Morning Raymond Carver 33 Happiness James Merrill 33 My Father's Irish Setters Vernon Scannell 35 Legs Lucille Clifton 36 homage to my hips Gwen Harwood 36 Naked Vision Thom Gunn 37 The Hug Tess Gallagher 38 The Hug Elizabeth Bishop 39 Chemin de Fer Alden Nowlan 40 He Sits Down on the Floor of a School for the Retarded Les Murray 41 An Absolutely Ordinary Rainbow Michael Longley 43 A Prayer Carol Ann Duffy 43 Prayer Czeslaw Milosz 44 Encounter Rainer Maria Rilke 44 from The Tenth Duino Elegy Denise Levertov 45 Variation on a Theme by Rilke Gjertrud Schnackenberg 46 from A Gilded Lapse of Time Kevin Hart 47 Dark Angel Nina Cassian 48 Temptation Sylvia Plath 48 Poppies in October Osip Mandelstam 49 'Eyesight of Wasps' David Constantine 49 The Wasps Charles Simic 50 The Old World Robert Bly 50 Watering the Horse Chase Twichell 51 Saint Animal Carol Rumens 51 Jarrow Stephen Dobyns 52 Where We Are 2 Roads and journeys Robert Frost 55 The Road Not Taken James K. Baxter 55 The Bay Elizabeth Garrett 56 Tyranny of Choice Stevie Smith 57 Not Waving but Drowning Simon Armitage 57 Poem Carl Sandburg 58 Choose Vladimir Holan 58 Meeting in a Lift E.E.