
In this thrilling crime novel, Lee Southern finds himself the target of increasingly ominous threats as he seeks to uncover the mastermind behind a sordid mystery. Trainee private investigator Lee Southern finds himself drawn into a web of danger and deceit as he investigates a series of bribery attempts targeting a wealthy entrepreneur. Under the expert tutelage of retiring PI Frank Swann, Lee uses all of his developing skills, instincts and cunning to get to the heart of a sordid mystery. As Lee delves deeper into the case and questions the intentions of those he's working for, he finds himself the target of increasingly ominous threats and several attempts on his life.

David Whish-Wilson's I Am Already Dead is a gripping and high-paced noir novel. 

Paperback / softback  320pp  h234mm  x  w155mm  x s29mm  496g 

ISBN13: 9781760992026     ISBN13: 978-1-76099-202-6     ISBN10: 176099202X